Friday, January 16, 2009


Heather, the awesome, and family came over for dinner tonight. At her suggestion, we had breakfast for dinner. I was especially excited about the idea because I received the most fabulous waffle iron EVER for Christmas from my MIL.

It makes waffles in the shape of a chicken, cow, pig, and barn. I love it.
After we said a blessing on the food I looked over at J's plate and noticed that the legs were missing from his cow shaped waffle. Noticing my glance, he leaned in and said in a serious voice, "It's so he couldn't get away."


Jen said...

I think I scared my cat from laughing too hard. That was HILARIOUS.

Beth said...

See, he totally belongs in your family.

joan said...

I can't believe I missed this dinner! This is what I get for letting the kids have computer time before me. I want a chicken-shaped waffle!

Emilia said...

For you, Joan, we will make more waffles. Personally, the pig one is my favorite. It literally jumped off the waffle plate and on to the plate of bacon. There's some deeper meaning there, but mostly it's just making me hungry thinking about it again.

Anne Marie said...

Love J's answer about the missing legs!