Saturday, May 24, 2008

Boys of Summer

This picture just makes me happy. Can you say "summer for little boys"?

I snapped it yesterday during Nathaniel's birthday party. He's one of those poor kids born in August who always end up celebrating a birthday while we're on vacation and while all his friends are on vacation, too. So, we did a party now while everyone was still in town and in touch.

We did a fun treasure hunt all over the yard with a piratey theme, but mostly, the boys just played together.

I love it. I love the sounds of the wild and complex story lines they come up with. I love the running all over the house and yard in an attempt to fulfill whatever their imaginations have come up with.

And I love that one of them said, "Hey, what's back there?" and they all climbed up on the fence to check it out.


Jen said...

Little boys are so much fun, and these three are some of the very best. I have to applaud you on your lack of tv/video games... I swear, most of the time introduction of these things into kids' lives leads to an inevitable depressing of the imagination.

Anne Marie said...

What a great idea to celebrate his birthday now. Maybe I'll have to start doing that for Connor and eventually my twins (3 August birthdays, ugh!). That pic is priceless.

heather said...

I love that picture! And I love reading stories about your boys. I admire the fact that you have energy to keep up with them all the time - I hope I can do that with our little guy! :)