Thursday, October 24, 2013

"A nest for birds, There ain't no words For the beauty, splendor, the wonder of my HAIR"

I can't stop quoting the musical "Hair" in reference to Caleb. So here is the song that is stuck in my head every time hair is mentioned. This is from the Broadway revival a few years ago. (Amusingly, I just remembered being in NYC at the time. We were celebrating our 10th anniversary and had been to see a different show the night before. The next morning we were standing in line at the TKTS booth trying to decide whether to see another show or go to the Manhattan LDS temple.  There wasn't much available that morning, so in the end our choice was Hair or the temple. I would like to say the answer was obvious, but I did pause for a moment. This is why it's good to marry a better influence. ;) )

I mentioned the other day that Caleb was going to get his hair cut in preparation for Halloween.  Here is the after:

I guess a picture of the before would be nice, too:

But here is my favorite part of this story. Caleb gathered all the hair from his haircut and brought it home in a plastic bag.  After we got home we finished up his school work and then his friends started coming over after school. Each time the doorbell rang, he'd invite his friends back to see his new pet.  He was showing them this:

Yes. That's his hair. Yes. It's in an animal cage.  Most people initially thought it was a guinea pig until Caleb would whip off his hat to reveal his freshly shorn head.  He told this story tonight to his drama teacher and she said to him, "You are what we love best about drama."  True dat.

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