Sunday, December 30, 2012

Resolutions 2013: Financial

I like resolutions. But I typically get into them more at the beginning of the school year. This year because of the last minute flurry of homeschooling stuff, I didn't feel quite as ready to jump into self-improvement.

I've had a lot of time to consider what I'd like to do for the new year and am going to introduce this week the ideas I've had.  Today I'm going to share with you the financial fast that we are going to go on as a family for January and February.

I read this about a month ago and liked the idea. After Todd and I did our budget for the year last week, I LOVED the idea.

Tonight for Family Home Evening, we pulled out the Monopoly money and divided one month of our combined income among the kids and then read down the list of household expenses. They were very concerned when they all ran out of money before we finished the list of expenses.  We explained that because we had money set aside at the beginning of the year, we were able to do trips and go to fun camps, etc. this past year. But that we have reached the end of the year and that money is gone. I was very proud of our boys and how quick they were to come up with great ideas for how to save money, earn money, and acknowledged that they needed to ask for less while trying to earn more for the specific things they want to do or buy.

They were enthusiastic when I told them about the financial fast and willing to help me inventory the kitchen so we can begin meal planning the month with things we already have on hand. (Maybe enthusiastic is overstating things a bit. But they didn't hate the idea.)

If anybody else wants to join us in a financial fast, let me know. I'd love to compare notes or swap ideas!

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