Thursday, March 5, 2009

Party Favors

Help! Where does one find those nasty marshmallow and coconut things known as "snowballs" in the Columbus, Ohio area? I can't seem to find them, and I have seen enough other evidence to know that it's not because the people of Columbus, Ohio have far better taste in empty calories than the rest of the country.
I would like to mention that the mere sight of these has made it so I've never actually tasted one. There is nothing appealing about them to me. But when my weirdo kid says, "Mom, I'd really love to have an arctic themed birthday party!", I am powerless before him and stoop myself to all sorts of party favor lows in keeping with his theme.


Heather Snediker-Morscheck said...

Yowza! Do I love those things! How can you not love a chocolate cup cake covered in marshmallow and dipped in shredded coconut??????? They live entirely on lonely shelves of vending machines in places like the waiting room of the oil change place and basement snack machines in dorms. Good luck. If I happen to run across some I will snag them for you.

Beth said...

The only place I have seen them recently is on the shelf at a gas station. Speedway I think?
I did find this.

Emilia said...

Thank you for your helpful suggestions. I have bought out the sno-ball stock of all gas station convenience stores on High St.

I received some very funny looks from the cashiers at said stores. I find it best to remain mysterious at such moments. It gives the cashier a better story to tell. Like the guy behind me at Target one day who bought at least 12 giant containers of hand lotion. and nothing else. I will always wonder what his story was...

Beth said...

I can only hope that Dillon comes home with one of these beauties and that he is so turned off by the coconut that I must eat it myself. Mmmmmm. If not, well now you have me wanting one and so perhaps I will just have to venture into a convenience store myself.

Emilia said...

Heather and Beth, your sons will be coming home with that package of nastiness, and if you've parented them well, they will know that there's absolutely nothing desirable in that package for them and will hand it right over to you to "take care of".

ricracsally said...

When I grew up they were pink. Not white. And my mom always hid them, but us girls could sniff 'em out in record time. Then we would go wake her up and beg until she realized that she would not be allowed back to sleep until she gave in. :)