Saturday, June 21, 2008

"Safety Rules"

In case anyone needed further proof that Benjamin is practically a clone of Todd we had this delightful experience at a McDonald's on the way home from FL yesterday.

Nathaniel: Okay, Mom, we're done eating can we go play on the play equipment?

Me: Sure.

Benjamin: But MOM, it says you need socks in order to play!!! We're not wearing any socks!

Me: Eh, let's just play until somebody notices us and kicks us off. (I did NOT want to rifle through luggage to find socks...and I think it's a silly rule.)

Benjamin: MOM!! It is a safety rule! Let's not find out what happens if we don't wear socks! Let's NOT take risks!

It is because of this child that I climb far fewer fences than I used to. He's making me all law abiding. harumph.


Anne Marie said...

We have had this very argument before in McD's. Maybe you guys can balance each other out, or at least drive each other crazy. Welcome back.

joan said...

Kids pick the most amazing, not to mention inconvenient, times to actually remember things we've tried to teach them!
And yes, we've also had this conversation.

Anne Marie said...

I enjoyed reading your thoughts on Jacob. It's got me thinking. I do hope and expect that he will end up happy in this next book.

Trish said...

I am married to that man as well. His motto is "We are not above the law". I always have to ask which law he is referring to??? I don't think McDonalds law is THE LAW.

ryan said...

This is so cute. :) I'm glad you guys had such a fun trip!!