She said, "Here is a photo of Caleb today outside eating his birthday popsicle.
We sang Happy Birthday outside and he added the "cha-cha-cha" part.
You can see the smile on his face. What a picture of a 4 year old
boy... with an Oscar shirt on, in a fire-truck, barefoot, outside.
This is what childhood is supposed to be!!"
My four most favorite things about Caleb right now are:
1. He is such a monkey. He climbs around everywhere and on anything. While I was mowing the lawn today, I looked up to discover him sitting on top of the roof of our neighbor's car.
2. His adorable mispronunciations. "Grurl" instead of girl. "Athaniel" instead of Nathaniel. "Thtop" instead of stop. "'Piderman" instead of spiderman and "cool" instead of school. I know they will go away soon, so I inwardly giggle every time he says them.
3. He gives the best hugs ever. Always has. Enormous, tight, full body hugs.
4. He is completely unapologetic about his opinions. There is no coercing him into doing anything that he doesn't want to do. I also sometimes hate this one, but mostly I am pleased at his streak of stubbornness.
Love you, my Caleb.
Happy Birthday, you cute boy. I agree that you must enjoy those cute pronunciations of words while he has them.
Happy birthday caleb! :)
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