Friday, January 31, 2014

A Month of Books (January)

This month my kids had 5 snow/cold days off from school, 3 previously scheduled days off, a scheduled late start and a delayed opening.  We had a lot of together time.  And while we were able to have fun together, the fun was predicated on chores.  If they had a day off from school, I handed them a list of chores to do before they could really have a day off.  I'm mean like that.  But frankly, all the together time after winter break was A LOT of together time.

Because of this, I read both more and less.  More at one sitting, but it felt like fewer books overall.  When I did sit and read, I devoured.  For the first time in a long time, I was reading entire books in a day.  Escapism, anyone?

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