Friday, February 22, 2008

Book Tag

I was tagged by my friend Tricia from her wonderful blog "Library Queue".

Go and visit. Her book reviews are succinct and her reading material wonderfully diverse. Though, it could just be that nearly all the books she's read are books that I have read so I am disposed to believe that she possesses flawless taste. ;)

Anyway, here are the rules:

  • Find the book closest to you with at least 123 pages.
  • Turn to page 123.
  • Find the fifth sentence.
  • Post the next 3 sentences.
  • Tag 5 people.
The book closest to me is "Lord John and the Private Matter" by Diana Gabaldon. Lord John has a minor role in her Outlander series to which I was recently addicted. But she decided to give him his own series.

"Grey glanced down the street; he could not send the boy back past the tavern, not alone."

"'Come with me, then" he said, making up his mind upon the moment. "You may accompany me to the house; from there you will go home."
Byrd followed him without demur; Grey was obliged to take the young man's arm and draw him up beside-otherwise the boy fell by habit into step behind him, which would not do.'"

Certainly not the most telling passage, but "them's the rules".

I tag Annekin, Marcia (a twice published author!! and friend), Jen (broken wrist not withstanding), Beth, and Jessica because, ladies, in weather like this you might as well have something silly to do.


Anne Marie said...

I'll definitely get to this soon! I will not even tell you what the weather is like can laugh at me in July when it's been blazing hot for 2 months.

Tricia said...

I've read other reviews about this series. I may need to add it to my ever-growing list of to-reads!
Thanks for playing.