Sunday, January 13, 2008

The "Hippie-Commie" Pre-school

Those of you who know me have often heard me refer to Nathaniel and Caleb's preschool as "The Hippie-Commie Preschool". I do it with nothing but love and affection in my heart. The school is actually called SYC, and that's what my children know it as. And it certainly has a unique flavor that I haven't seen at any other preschools.

First of all, the teachers are amazing! They teach me more about parenting just by the way they interact with my children than any book or class could ever hope to. I love and appreciate each of them.

That said, the school certainly attracts a lot of people who are all about peace, love and getting along with one another. I've never met such a large group of people who believed in their own ideas so fiercely and yet respected the ideas of those around them. It's inspirational to me. My boy's long hair is fairly common place and there at SYC they are never mistaken for girls. Clothing is also reasonably optional, which makes Caleb happy.

Snack time is likely to include hummus and carrots or veggie sticks or homemade vegan muffins. Have I mentioned yet how much I love this school?!

Anyway, I hadn't realized until today quite how thoroughly my boys had come to associate certain aspects of the "hippie" culture with their school. I unearthed from the bottom of my PJ drawer my wonderful pair of rainbow tie-dyed long johns. Love them! Nathaniel saw me come down the stairs and said, "Hey, Mom! When did you get SYC pajamas?!"

Peace, y'all.

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